
  1. Haha! Mom has Great taste in music, Marty! Another Great lesson! Thanks a gazillion! :)

  2. Thank you Marty this was a huge help especially with the F sharp minor!!!!

    Thanks again from England….stay happy :-)

  3. thanks so many of your videos helped you made me to were I am on guitar

  4. is there anyway you can do a lesson dealing with the intro? it's a real finger picking bitch and i can't figure it out

  5. Cheers it! Your the Man…whats you link? On A tab and cant see it? Thanks again

  6. Great sing along song. it may just be that I have small hands, but I find it easier to shift from the Em to F#m if I play the Em with my pinky and ring finger. Then just slide up 2 frets and barre with my index finger. Then slide back again. Or maybe i'm just lazy!